What We Do
The Senior Home Safety Network is a national program developed to help seniors, our most fragile citizens to “stay in place” in their homes.
We have each been touched by the struggle of good people trying to remain in their homes, surrounded by their memories and hanging on to the freedoms they would lose in group housing. Being able to decide when to have a meal, retire for the evening, or simply when to turn the television up loud does not seem much like freedom, until you lose those choices.
Many of us have had to face the hard decision of taking people away from their homes to “make them safe,” but what if we can keep them safe in their homes just a while longer. Living in your own home is a precious privilege and the ultimate in “American quality of life.”
The bottom line is that when they could, our seniors kept their families safe at home. Now it is our turn to help them. It is what happens in the course of life.
